Sunday, 1 December 2013

Bams 2nd year new syllabus batch 2013

MEDICINENEW DELHISYLLABUS OF AYURVEDACHARYA(BAMS) COURSEINDEX1ST PROFESSIONAL1.1 PADARTHA VIGYAN ANDAYURVED ITIHAS2-61.2 SANSKRIT7-81.3 KRIYA SHARIR9-141.4 RACHANA SHARIR15-181.5 MAULIK SIDDHANT AVUMASTANG HRIDYA19Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus1PADARTHA VIGYAN EVUMAYURVEDA ITIHAS(Philosophy and History ofAyurveda)Padartha VigyanamTheory- Two papers– 200 marks(100 each paper)Total teaching hours: 150 hoursPAPER-I100 marksPART A50 marks1 .Ayurveda Nirupana1. Lakshana of Ayu, compositionof Ayu.2. Lakshana of Ayurveda.3. Lakshana and classification ofSiddhanta.4. Introduction to basicprinciples of Ayurveda andtheir significance.2. Ayurveda Darshana Nirupana1. Philosophical background offundamentals of Ayurveda.2. Etymological derivation of theword “Darshana”.Classification and generalintroduction to schools ofIndian Philosophy with anemphasis on: Nyaya,Vaisheshika, Sankhya andYoga.3. Ayurveda as unique andindependent school ofthought (philosophicalindividuality of Ayurveda).4. Padartha: Lakshana,enumeration andclassification, Bhava andAbhava padartha, Padarthaaccording to Charaka (Karana-Padartha).3. Dravya Vigyaniyam1. Dravya : Lakshana,classification andenumeration.2. Panchabhuta: Various theoriesregarding the creation(theories of Taittiriyopanishad,Nyaya-Vaisheshika, Sankhya-Yoga, Sankaracharya, Charakaand Susruta), Lakshana andqualities of each Bhoota.3. Kaala: Etymological derivation,Lakshana and division / units,significance in Ayurveda.4. Dik : Lakshana and division,significance in Ayurveda.5. Atma :Lakshana, classification,seat, Gunas, Linga accordingto Charaka, the method /process of knowledgeformation ( atmanah jnasyapravrittih).6. Purusha: as mentioned inAyurveda - Ativahikapurusha/Sukshmasharira/Rashipurusha/Chikitsapurusha/Karmapurusha/Shaddhatvatmakapurusha.7. Manas: Lakshana, synonyms,qualities, objects, functions,dual nature of mind(ubhayaatmakatvam ), as asubstratum of diseases, penta-elemental nature(panchabhutatmakatvam).8. Role of Panchamahabhuta andTriguna in Dehaprakriti andManasaprakriti respectively.9. Tamas as the tenth Dravya.10. Practical study/application inAyurveda.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus2PART B50 marks4. Gunavigyaniyam1. Etymological derivation,classification and enumerationaccording to Nyaya-Vaisheshika and Charaka,Artha, Gurvadiguna,Paradiguna, Adhyatmaguna.2. Lakshana and classification ofall the 41 gunas.3. Practical / clinical applicationin Ayurveda.5. Karma Vigyaniyam1. Lakshana, classification inNyaya.2. Description according toAyurveda.3. Practical study/ application inAyurveda.6. Samanya Vigyaniyam6.1 Lakshana, classification.6.2 Practical study/application with reference toDravya, Guna and Karma.7. Vishesha Vigyaniyam1. Lakshana, classification.2. Practical study/ applicationwith reference to Dravya,Guna and Karma.3. Significance of the statement“Pravrittirubhayasya tu”.8. Samavaya Vigyaniyam8.1 Lakshana8.2 Practical study /clinicalapplication in Ayurveda.9. Abhava Vigyaniyam9.1 Lakshana, classification9.2 Clinical significances inAyurveda.PAPER-IPadartha Vigyan and AyurvedaItihas100 marksPART A75 marks1. Pariksha1. Definition, significance,necessity and use of Pariksha.2. Definition of Prama, Prameya,Pramata, Pramana.3. Significance and importance ofPramana, Enumeration ofPramana according todifferent schools ofphilosophy.4. Four types of methods forexamination in Ayurveda(Chaturvidha-Parikshavidhi),Pramana in Ayurveda.5. Subsudation of differentPramanas under threePramanas.6. Practical application ofmethods of examination(Parikshavidhi) in treatment(Chikitsa).Aptopdesha Pariksha/ PramanaLakshana of Aptopadesha,Lakshana of Apta.Lakshana of Shabda, and itstypes.Shabdavritti-Abhidha, Lakshana,Vyanjana and Tatparyakhya.Shaktigrahahetu.Vaakya: Characteristics,Vaakyarthagyanahetu-Aakanksha, Yogyata, Sannidhi.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus31. Pratyaksha Pariksha/Pramana1. Lakshana of Pratyaksha, typesof Pratyaksha- Nirvikalpaka-Savikalpaka with description,description of Laukika andAlaukika types and theirfurther classification.2. Indriya-prapyakaritvam, sixtypes of Sannikarsha.3. Indriyanam lakshanam,classification and enumerationof Indriya. Description ofPanchapanchaka, Penta-elemental nature of Indriya byPanchamahabhuta(Panchabhautikatwa ofIndriya) and similarity insources ( Tulyayonitva ) ofIndriya.4. Trayodasha Karana, dominanceof Antahkaran.5. Hindrances in directperception ( pratyaksha-anupalabdhikaaran),enhancement of directperception (Pratyaksha) byvarious instruments/equipments, necessity of otherPramanas in addition toPratyaksha.6. Practical study/ application ofPratyaksha in physiological,diagnostic, therapeutics andresearch grounds.1. Anumanapariksha/Pramana1. Lakshana of Anumana.Introduction of Anumiti,Paramarsha, Vyapti, Hetu,Sadhya, Paksha, Drishtanta.Types of Anumana mentionedby Charaka andNyayadarshana.2. Characteristic and types ofVyapti.3. Lakshana and types of Hetu,description of Ahetu andHetwabhasa.4. Characteristic and significanceof Tarka.5. Practical study/ application ofAnumanapramana inphysiological, diagnostic,therapeutics and research.1. Yuktipariksha/ Pramana1. Lakshana and discussion.2. Importance in Ayurveda.3. Practical study and utility intherapeutics and research.6. Upamana Pramana1. Lakshana.2. Application in therapeuticsand research.1. Karya- Karana Siddhanta(Cause and Effect Theory)1. Lakshana of Karya and Karana.Types of Karana.2. Significance of Karya andKarana in Ayurveda.3. Different opinions regardingthe manifestation of Karyafrom Karana: Satkaryavada,Asatkaryavada, Parinamavada,Arambhavada, Paramanuvada,Vivartavada,Kshanabhangurvada,Swabhavavada, Pilupaka,Pitharpaka, Anekantavada,Swabhavoparamavada.PART B- Ayurved Itihas25 marks1. Etymological derivation(Vyutpatti), syntacticalderivation (Niruktti) anddefinition of the word Itihas,necessity of knowledge ofhistory, its significance andutility, means and method ofhistory, historical person(Vyakti), subject (Vishaya),time period (Kaal), happening(Ghatana) and their impact onAyurveda.Introduction to the authors ofclassical texts during Samhitakaaland their contribution: Atreya,Dhanwantari, Kashyapa, Agnivesha,Sushruta, Bhela, Harita, Charaka,Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus4Dridhabala, Vagbhata, Nagarjuna,Jivaka.1. Introduction to thecommentators of classicalSamhitas –Bhattaraharicchandra, Jejjata,Chakrapani, Dalhana,Nishchalakara, Vijayarakshita,Gayadas, Arunadutta,Hemadri, Gangadhara,Yogindranath Sen,Haranachandra, Indu.3. Introduction to the authors ofcompendiums(Granthasamgrahakaala) –Bhavmishra, Sharngadhara,Vrinda, Madhavakara,Shodhala, Govinda Das(Author ofBhaishajyaratnawali),Basavraja.4. Introduction to the authors ofModern era –Gana Nath Sen,Yamini Bhushan Rai, ShankarDajishastri Pade, SwamiLakshmiram, Yadavji Tikramji,Dr. P. M. Mehta, Ghanekar,Damodar Sharma Gaur,Priyavrat Sharma.6. Globalization of Ayurveda –Expansion of Ayurveda inMisra (Egypt), Sri Lanka, Nepalother nations.8. Developmental activities inAyurveda in the post-independence period,development in educationaltrends.9. Establishment of differentcommittees, theirrecommendations.10. Introduction to and activitiesof the followingOrganizations :- Departmentof AYUSH, Central Council ofIndian Medicine, CentralCouncil for Research inAyurvedic Sciences, AyurvedicPharmacopeia commission,National Medicinal PlantsBoard, Traditional KnowledgeDigital Library (TKDL)11. Introduction to the followingNational Institutions :12. National Institute of Ayurved,Jaipur.13. IPGT&RA, Gujrat AyurvedUniversity, Jamnagar.14. Faculty of Ayurved, BHU,Varanasi.15. Rashtriya AyurvedaVidyapeetha, New Delhi.16. Drug and Cosmetic Act.17. Introduction to national &international popular journalsof Ayurveda.18. Introduction to activities ofWHO in the promotion ofAyurved.Reference Books:-A). Padartha Vigyan:-1. Padarthavigyan AcharyaRamraksha Pathak2. Ayurvediya PadarthaVigyana Vaidya Ranjit RaiDesai3. Ayurved Darshana AcharyaRajkumar Jain4. Padartha Vigyana Kashikar5. Padartha Vigyana BalwantShastri6. Sankhyatantwa KaumadiGajananS hastri7. Psycho Pathology in IndianMedicine Dr. S.P. Gupta8. Charak Evum Sushrut keProf. Jyotirmitra AcharyaDarshanik Vishay ka Adhyayan9. Ayurvediya PadarthaVigyana Dr. Ayodhya PrasadAchal10. Padartha Vigyana Dr.Vidyadhar Shukla11. Padartha Vigyana Dr.Ravidutta Tripathi12. Ayurvediya PadarthaVigyana Vaidya RamkrishnaSharma Dhand13. Ayurvediya PadarthaVigyan Parichaya VaidyaBanwarilal Gaur14. Ayurvediya PadarthaDarshan Pandit ShivhareCentral Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus515. Scientific Exposition ofAyurveda Dr. Sudhir Kumar16. Relevant portions ofCharakasamhita,Sushrutasamhita.B) History of Ayurveda:-1. Upodghata ofKashyapasamhita Rajguru HemRaj SharmaParagraph of acceptance ofIndian medicine2. Upodghata of RasaYogasagar Vaidy HariprapannaSharma3. Ayurveda Ka ItihasKaviraSuram Chand4. Ayurveda Sutra RajvaidyaRam Prasad Sharma5. History of Indian Medicine(1-3 part) Dr. GirindrNathMukhopadhyaya6. A Short history of AryanMedical Science BhagwatSingh7. History of Indian MedicineJ. Jolly8. Hindu Medicine Zimer9. Classical Doctrine of IndianMedicine Filiyosa10. Indian Medicine in theclassical age AcharyaPriyavrataSharma11. Indian Medicine(Osteology) Dr. Harnley12. Ancient Indian MedicineDr. P. Kutumbia13. Madhava Nidan and itsChief Dr. G.J. MulenbeltCommentaries (Chaptershighlighting history)14. Ayurveda Ka BrihatItihasaVaidya Atridev Vidyalankara15. Ayurveda KaVaigyanikaItihasa AcharyaPriyavrata Sharma16. Ayurveda KaPramanikaItihasa Prof.Bhagwat Ram Gupta17. History of Medicine inIndia Acharya PriyavrataSharma18. Vedomein Ayurveda VaidyaRam GopalS hastri19. Vedomein Ayurveda Dr.Kapil Dev Dwivedi20. Science and Philosophy ofIndian Medicine Dr. K.N.Udupa21. History of Indian Medicinefrom Dr. JyotirmitraPre-Mauryan to KushanaPeriod22. An Appraisal of AyurvedicMaterial inBuddhist literature Dr.Jyotirmitra23. Mahayana Granthon meinnihita Dr.RavindraNathTripathiAyurvediya Samagri24. Jain Ayurveda Sahitya KaItihasa Dr. Rajendra PrakashBhatnagar25. Ayurveda- PrabhashakaJainacharya Acharya Raj KumarJain26.CharakaChintana AcharyaPriyavrata Sharma27. Vagbhata VivechanaAcharya Priyavrata Sharma28. Atharvaveda and AyurvedaDr. Karambelkara29. Ayurvedic Medicine Pastand Present Pt. Shiv Sharma30. Ancient Scientist Dr. O.P.Jaggi31. Luminaries of IndianMedicine Dr. K.R. ShrikantaMurthy32. Ayurveda Ke Itihasa KaParichaya Dr.RaviduttaTripathi33. Ayurveda Ke PranacharyaRatnakara Shastri34. Ayurveda Itihasa ParichayaProf. Banwari Lal Gaur*********Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus6A)From English / Hindi / regionallanguage to SanskritB)From Sanskrit to English / Hindi /regional languageC)Identification and correction ofgrammatical errors in the givensentencesThe sentences for translationshould be selected from the undermentioned reference books-1.Laghusiddhanta Kaumudi- AcharyaVaradaraja (Commentary by ShriDhananand Shastry)2.Brihattrayee- (Charaka Samhita,Sushruta Samhita, AshtangaHridayam)3.Anuvada Chandrika-ChakradharaHansa NautiyalCentral Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus74.Sanskruta Ayurved Sudha- Dr.Banwari Lal Gaur5.Rachananuvada Kaumudi- Dr.Kapildev Dwivedi6.Bhasha Sopanam- Published byRashtreeya Samskruta Samsthanam,New Delhi****************Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus81.3 KRIYA SHARIR(PHYSIOLOGY)Two Papers-200 Marks (100 markseach)Teaching hours-180 hoursPAPER- I100 marksPART A50 marks1. Conceptual study offundamental principles ofAyurvediya Kriya Sharir e.g -Panchamahabhuta, Tridosha,Triguna, Loka-Purusha Samya,Samanya-Vishesha.Description of basics of Srotas.2. Definition and synonyms ofthe term Sharir, definitionand synonyms of term Kriya,description of Sharir Doshaand Manasa Dosha. Mutualrelationship between Triguna-Tridosha & Panchmahabhuta.Difference between Shaarirand Sharir. Description of thecomponents of Purusha andclassification of Purusha, roleof Shatdhatupurusha in KriyaSharira and Chikitsa.3. Dosha- General description ofTridosha. Inter relationshipbetween Ritu-Dosha-Rasa-Guna. Biological rhythms ofTridosha on the basis of day-night-age-season and foodintake. Role of Dosha in theformation of Prakriti of anindividual and in maintainingof health. Prakrita and VaikritaDosha.4. Vata Dosha: Vyutpatti(derivation), Nirukti(etymology) of the term Vata,general locations, generalproperties and generalfunctions of Vata, five types ofVata (Prana, Udana, Samana,Vyana, Apana) with theirspecific locations, specificproperties, and specificfunctions.Respiratory Physiology in Ayurveda,Physiology of speech in Ayurveda.Pitta Dosha: Vyutpatti, Nirukti ofthe term Pitta, general locations,general properties and generalfunctions of Pitta, five types ofPitta (Pachaka, Ranjaka,Alochaka, Bhrajaka, Sadhaka)with their specific locations,specific properties, and specificfunctions. Similarities anddifferences between Agni andPitta.Kapha Dosha: Vyutpatti, Niruktiof the term Kapha, generallocations, general properties andgeneral functions of Kapha, fivetypes of Kapha (Bodhaka,Avalambaka, Kledaka, Tarpaka,Åšleshaka ) with their specificlocations, specific properties,and specific functions.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus91. Etiological factors responsiblefor Dosha Vriddhi, DoshaKshaya and theirmanifestations.2. Concept of Kriyakala.3. Prakriti:4. Deha- Prakriti: Vyutpatti,Nirukti, various definitionsand synonyms for the term‘Prakriti’. Intra-uterine andextra-uterine factorsinfluencing Deha-Prakriti,classification andcharacteristic features of eachkind of Deha-Prakriti.5. Manasa- Prakriti: Introductionand types of Manasa- Prakriti.6. Ahara: Definition,classification and significanceof Ahara, Ahara-vidhi-vidhana,Ashta AharavidhiViseshayatana, AharaParinamkar Bhava.7. Aharapaka (Process ofdigestion): Description ofAnnavaha Srotas and theirMula. Role of Grahani &Pittadhara Kala.8. Description of Avasthapaka(Madhura, Amla and Katu).Description of Nishthapaka(Vipaka) and its classification.Separation of Sara and Kitta.Absorption of Sara. Genesis ofVata-Pitta-Kapha duringAharapaka process. Definitionof the term Koshtha.Classification of Koshtha andthe characteristics of eachtype of Koshtha.9. Agni – Definition andimportance, synonyms,classification, location,properties and functions ofAgni and functions ofJatharagni, Bhutagni, andDhatvagni.PART- B 50 marksModern Physiology1. Definition and mechanisms ofmaintenance of homeostasis.Cell physiology. Membranephysiology. Transportation ofvarious substances across cellmembrane.2. Resting membrane potentialand action potential.3. Physiology of respiratorysystem: functional anatomy ofrespiratory system. Definitionof ventilation, mechanism ofrespiration, exchange andtransport of gases, neural andchemical control ofrespiration, artificialrespiration, asphyxia, hypoxia.Introduction to PulmonaryFunction Tests.4. Physiology of Nervous System:General introduction tonervous system, neurons,mechanism of propagation ofnerve impulse, physiology ofCNS, PNS, ANS; physiology ofsensory and motor nervoussystem, Functions of differentparts of brain and physiologyof special senses, intelligence,memory, learning andmotivation. Physiology ofsleep and dreams, EEG.Physiology of speech andarticulation. Physiology oftemperature regulation.5. Functional anatomy of gastro-intestinal tract, mechanism ofsecretion and composition ofdifferent digestive juices.Functions of salivary glands,stomach, liver, pancreas, smallintestine and large intestinein the process of digestionand absorption. Movements ofthe gut (deglutition,peristalsis, defecation) andtheir control. Enteric nervoussystem.6. Acid-base balance, water andelectrolyte balance. Study ofbasic components of food.Digestion and metabolism ofproteins, fats andcarbohydrates.Vitamins & Minerals- sources, dailyrequirement, functions,manifestations of hypo andhypervitaminosis.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus10PAPER-II100 marksPART A50 marks1. Dhatu:Etymology, derivation, definition,general introduction of term Dhatu,different theories related toDhatuposhana (DhatuposhanaNyaya)2. Rasa Dhatu:Etymology, derivation, location,properties, functions and Praman ofRasa-dhatu. Physiology of RasavahaSrotas, Formation of Rasa Dhatu fromAahara Rasa, circulation of Rasa(Rasa-Samvahana), role of VyanaVayu and Samana Vayu in RasaSamvahana. Description offunctioning of Hridaya. AshtavidhaSara (8 types of Sara), characteristicsof Tvakasara Purusha, conceptualstudy of mutual interdependence(Aashraya-Aashrayi Bhaava) and itsrelation to Rasa and Kapha.Manifestations of kshaya and Vriddhiof Rasa.3. Rakta Dhatu:Etymology, derivation, synonyms,location, properties, functions andPraman of Rakta Dhatu.Panchabhautikatva of Rakta Dhatu,physiology of Raktavaha Srotas,formation of Raktadhatu, Ranjana ofRasa by Ranjaka Pitta, features ofShuddha Rakta, specific functions ofRakta, characteristics of RaktasaraPurusha, manifestations of Kshayaand Vriddhi of Raktadhatu, mutualinterdependence of Rakta and Pitta.4. Mamsa Dhatu :Etymology, derivation, synonyms,location, properties and functions ofMamsa Dhatu, physiology ofMamsavaha Srotasa, formation ofMamsa Dhatu, characteristics ofMamsasara Purusha, manifestationsof Kshaya and Vriddhi of MamsaDhatu .Concept of Peshi.5. Meda Dhatu :Etymology, derivation, location,properties, functions and Praman ofMeda Dhatu, physiology of MedovahaSrotas, formation of Medo Dhatu,characteristics of Medasara Purushaand manifestations of Kshaya andVriddhi of Meda.6. Asthi Dhatu:Etymology, derivation, synonyms,location, properties, functions ofAsthi Dhatu. Number of Asthi.Physiology of Asthivaha Srotas andformation of Asthi Dhatu,characteristics of Asthisara Purusha,mutual interdependence of Vata andAsthi Dhatu, manifestations ofKshaya and Vriddhi of Asthi Dhatu.7. Majja Dhatu :Etymology, derivation, types,location, properties, functions andPraman of Majjaa Dhatu, physiologyof Majjavaha Srotas, formation ofMajja Dhatu, characteristics of MajjaSara Purusha, relation of Kapha,Pitta, Rakta and Majja,manifestations of Kshaya and Vriddhiof Majja Dhatu.8 . Shukra Dhatu:Etymology, derivation, location,properties, functions and Praman ofShukra Dhatu, physiology ofShukraravaha Srotas and formationof Shukra Dhatu. Features ofShuddha Shukra, characteristics ofShukra-Sara Purusha, manifestationsof Kshaya and Vriddhi of ShukraDhatu.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus119. Concept of Ashraya-Ashrayibhava i.e. inter-relationshipamong Dosha, Dhatu Malaand Srotas.10. Ojas: Etymological derivation,definition, formation, location,properties, Praman,classification and functions ofOjas. Description ofVyadhikshamatva. BalaVriddhikara Bhava.Classification of Bala.Etiological factors andmanifestations of Ojavisramsa,Vyapat and Kshaya.11. Upadhatu : Generalintroduction, etymologicalderivation and definition ofthe term Upadhatu.Formation, nourishment,properties, location andfunctions of each Upadhatu.12. Stanya: Characteristic featuresand methods of assessingShuddha and Dushita Stanya,manifestations of Vriddhi andKshaya of Stanya.13. Artava: Characteristic featuresof Shuddha and DushitaArtava. Differences betweenRaja and Artava, physiology ofArtavavaha Srotas.14. Tvak: classification, thicknessof each layer and functions.14. Mala: Etymological derivationand definition of the termMala. Aharamala:Enumeration and descriptionof the process of formation ofAharamala.15. Purisha: Etymologicalderivation, definition,formation, properties, quantityand functions of Purisha.Physiology of PurishavahaSrotas, manifestations ofVriddhi and Kshhaya ofPurisha.16. Mutra: Etymologicalderivation, definition,formation, properties, quantityand functions of Mutra.Physiology of MutravahaSrotas, physiology of urineformation in Ayurveda,manifestations of Vriddhi andKshhaya of Mutra.17. Sveda: Etymologicalderivation, definition,formation and functions ofSveda. Manifestations ofVriddhi and Kshaya of Sveda.Discription of SvedvahaStrotas18. Dhatumala: Brief descriptionof each type of Dhatumala.18. Panchagyanendriya:Physiological description ofPanchagyaanendriya andphysiology of perception ofShabda, Sparsha, Rupa, Rasaand Gandha. Physiologicaldescription of Karmendriya.19. Manas: Etymologicalderivation, definition,synonyms, location, properties,functions and objects ofManas. Physiology ofManovaha Srotas.20. Atma: Etymological derivation,definition, properties of Atma.Difference betweenParamatma and Jivatma;Characteristic features ofexistence of Atma in livingbody.21. Nidra: Nidrotpatti, types ofNidra, physiological andclinical significance of Nidra;Svapnotpatti and types ofSvapna.PART –B 50 marksModern PhysiologyHaemopoetic system – composition,functions of blood and blood cells,Haemopoiesis (stages anddevelopment of RBCs, and WBCs andplatelets), composition and functionsof bone marrow, structure, types andfunctions ofCentral Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus121. haemoglobin, mechanism ofblood clotting, anticoagulants,physiological basis of bloodgroups, plasma proteins,introduction to anaemia andjaundice.2. Immunity, classification ofimmunity: Innate, acquiredand artificial. Differentmechanisms involved inimmunity: Humoral (B-cellmediated) and T-Cellmediated immunity.Hypersensitivity.3. Muscle physiology –comparison of physiology ofskeletal muscles, cardiacmuscles and smooth muscles.Physiology of musclecontraction.4. Physiology of cardio-vascularsystem: Functional anatomy ofcardiovascular system. Cardiaccycle. Heart sounds.Regulation of cardiac outputand venous return.Physiological basis of ECG.Heart-rate and its regulation.Arterial pulse. Systemicarterial blood pressure and itscontrol.5. Adipose tissue, lipoproteinslike VLDL, LDL and HDLtriglycerides.6. Functions of skin, sweatglands and sebaceous glands.7. Physiology of male and femalereproductive systems.Description of ovulation,spermatogenesis, oogenesis,menstrual cycle.8. Physiology of Excretion –functional anatomy of urinarytract, functions of kidney.Mechanism of formation ofurine, control of micturition.Formation of faeces andmechanism of defecation.9. Endocrine glands – Generalintroduction to endocrinesystem, classification andcharacteristics of hormones,physiology of all endocrineglands, their functions andtheir effects.PRACTICAL100 marksAyurvedic practicalTeaching hours-1801. Assessment of Prakriti2. Assessment of Dosha (Featuresof Vriddhi- Kshaya )3. Assessment of Dhatu (Featuresof Vriddhi- Kshaya)4. Assessment of Agni5. Assessment of Koshtha6. Assessment of Sara7. Nadi parikshaModern physiology practical1. Introduction to laboratoryinstruments- Simple &Compound Microscope, Scalpvein set, bulbs for bloodcollection, Sahli’sHaemometer, Haemocytometer,pipettes, Urinometer,Albuminometer, Stethoscope,B.P. Apparatus, Harpenden’scaliper, Clinical Hammer,Tuning Fork, Stop Watch,Thermometer, Centrifugemachine, ECG Machine2. Collection of blood sample –prick, vene-puncture method,use of anticoagulants3. Preparation of blood smearand staining4. Estimation of Hemoglobin5. Microscopic examination ofblooda. Total RBC countb. Total WBC countc. Differential leucocyte count6. Packed cell volume (PCV)demonstrationESR demonstrationBleeding time, Clotting timeCentral Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus131. Blood grouping and Rh typing2. Examination of Cardio-Vascular systemPulse examinationArterial blood pressuremeasurementExamination of heart soundsECG demonstration11. Examination of RespiratorysystemRespiratory rateBreath soundsSpirometry12. Examination of Nervous System-Sensory & Motor.13. Urine examination –Physicalexamination, chemical examination.Test for normal constituents ofurine. Detection of specific gravityand reaction of urine.Distribution of Practical marksLaboratory Practical - 20Human Experiment - 15Spotting - 15Prakriti Saradi pariksha - 20Practical Record - 10Viva- voce - 20REFERENCE BOOKS:-Ayurvediya Kriyasharir - RanjitRai DesaiKayachikitsa Parichaya - C.DwarkanathPrakrit Agni Vigyan - C.DwarkanathSharir Kriya Vigyan - Shiv CharanDhyaniAbhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana -Acharya Priyavrata SharmaDosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana -Shankar Gangadhar VaidyaPrakrita Dosha Vigyana - AcharyaNiranjana DevTridosha Vigyana - ShriUpendranath DasSharira Tatva Darshana - HirlekarShastriPrakrita Agni Vigyana - NiranjanaDevDeha Dhatvagni Vigyana - Vd. Pt.Haridatt ShastriSharir Kriya Vigyana (Part 1-2) -Acharya Purnchandra JainSharir Kriya Vigyana - ShriMoreshwar Dutt. Vd.Sharira Kriya Vijnana (Part 1 and2) – Nandini DhargalkarDosha Dhatu Mala Vigyana -Basant Kumar ShrimalAbhinava Sharir Kriya Vigyana -Dr. Shiv Kumar GaurPragyogik Kriya Sharir - AcharyaP.C. JainKaya Chikitsa Parichaya - Dr. C.DwarkanathConcept of Agni - Vd. BhagwanDasPurush Vichaya - Acharya V.J.ThakarKriya Sharir - Prof. YogeshChandra MishraSharir Kriya Vigyana - Prof.Jayaram Yadav &Dr. Sunil Verma.Basic Principles of Kriya-Sharir (Atreatise on AyurvedicPhysiology ) by Dr. Srikant KumarPandaSharir Kriya – Part I & Part II –Dr. Ranade, Dr. Deshpande &Dr. ChobheHuman Physiology in Ayurveda -Dr Kishor PatwardhanSharirkriya Vignyan PracticalHand Book– Dr.Ranade,Dr.Chobhe, Dr. DeshpandeSharir Kriya Part 1 –Dr.R.R.Deshapande, Dr.WavhalSharir Kriya Part 2 – Dr.R.R.Deshapande, Dr.WavhalAyurveda Kriya Sharira- YogeshChandra MishraTextbook of Physiology - Gyton &HallA Textbook of Human Physiology– A.K.JainEssentials of Medical Physiology -Sembulingam, K.Concise Medical Physiology -Chaudhari, Sujit K.Principals of Anatomy &Physiology - Tortora & GrabowskiTextbook of Medical Physiology-Indu Khurana****************Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus141.4 RACHNA SHARIR(ANATOMY)PAPER-I Theory- Two Papers-200Marks–(100 marks each)Teaching Hours-180 hoursPAPER-I100 marksPART-A50 marks1. Shariropkramaniya ShaariraSharira and shaarira vyakhya(definitions of sharira and shaarira),shadangatvam (six regions of thebody), anga pratyanga vibhaga (subdivisions). Mrita sharir samshodhan.Shaarira shastra vibhaga, shaariragyan prayojana . Constitution ofpurusha according to dhatubheda,panchabhautikatvam,trigunatmakatvam,tridoshamayatvam, karma purusha,and doshadhatumala-mulakatvam.2. Paribhasha ShaariraKurcha, kandara, jala, asthisanghat,seemanta, seevani, rajju, snayu andlasika.3. Garbha ShaariraGarbha definitions, explanation ofshukra, artava, garbhadhana. Role oftridosha and panchmahabhuta inthe fetal development. Beeja,beejabhaga and beejabhagavayava,linga vinischaya, masanumasikagarbha vriddhi-krama,garbhottpadakbhava,garbhavriddhikara bhava, garbhaposhana, apara nirmana , nabhinadinirmana. Aanga pratyanga utpatti.4. Pramana Shaarira: Angulipramana.5. Asthi ShaariraAsthi vyakhya, number, types, asthiswaroopa, vasa, meda and majja.6. Sandhi ShaariraSandhi vyakhya, numbers, types ofasthi sandhi.7. Sira, Dhamani, Srotas ShaariraDefinition, types and number ofsira and dhamani.Description of Hridaya.Sroto shaarira: Definition, typesof srotas and srotomula.8. Peshi ShaariraCentral Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus151. Peshi vyakhya, structure,types, number andimportance.2. Description of Peshi.9. Koshtha Evam Ashaya Shaarira1. Definition of kostha andnumber of koshthanga.2. Types and description ofashaya.10. Kalaa ShaariraKalaa: definition and types.11. Uttamangiya ShaariraShatchakra, ida, pingala andsushumna nadi - brief description.12. Marma ShaariraMarma: definition, number, location,classification, clinical importancewith viddha lakshana. Explanation oftrimarmas. Detail description ofmarmas.13. Indriya ShaariraDefinition of indriya, indriya arthaand indriya adhisthan, their numberand importance. Description ofgyanendria, karmendriya andubhayendriya (manas).PART-B 50 marks1 . Definition and branches ofanatomy. Preservation methods ofthe cadaver.2. Anatomical TerminologiesAnatomical position, Planes, andexplanation of anatomical termsrelated to skin, fasciae, bones, jointsand their movements, muscles,ligaments, tendons, blood vessels,nerves,.3. EmbryologyDefinitions and branches ofembryology. Embryo and fetus.Sperm and ovum, fertilization.Cleavage. Germ layers formation andtheir derivatives. Laws of heredity,Sex determination anddifferentiation, Month-wisedevelopment of embryo. Foetalcirculation, placenta formation,Umbilical cord formation.4. OsteologyBone: Definition, ossification,structure and types. Description ofbones with clinical anatomy.5. ArthrologyJoints: Definition, structure typesand movements. Description of jointsof extremities, vertebral joints andtemporomandibular joint with theirclinical anatomy.6. Cardiovascular system1. Definition, types and structureof arteries and veins.2. Description of heart and bloodvessels with their course andbranches.3. Pericardium with appliedaspect.7. Lymphatic systemDefinition, types and structure oflymph vessels, lymph glands withtheir clinical aspect.8. Myologya) Structure and types of muscles.b) Description of muscles; theirorigin, insertion, actions, nervesupply and clinical anatomy.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus16PAPER-I100 marksPART A50 marks1. Respiratory System1. Bronchial tree and lungs withtheir clinical aspects.2. Respiratory tract: nasal cavity,pharynx, larynx, trachea,bronchial tree.3. Pleura with its clinicalaspects.4. Diaphragm.2. Digestive system1. Organs of digestive tract(alimentary tract) with theirclinical aspects.2. Digestive glands: liver, spleenand pancreas.3. Description of peritoneumwith its clinical aspects.3. Urinary SystemUrinary tract: kidney, ureter, urinarybladder and urethra with theirclinical aspects.4. Reproductive systema. Male Reproductive system:reproductive organs, tract andglands (prostate and seminalvesicles) with their clinical aspects.b. Female reproductive system:reproductive organs, tract andglands with their clinical aspects.5 . EndocrinologyDefinition, classification &description of endocrine glands(pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,thymus and suprarenal glands) withclinical aspects.PART B50 marks6. Nervous SystemNervous system: definition,classification and its importance.Description of brain and spinal cord.Description of peripheral nervoussystem: cranial and spinal nerves,nerve plexuses, and autonomicnervous system, formation andcirculation of cerebrospinal fluid andblood supply of brain and spinalcord.7. Sensory organsDescription of structures of eye, ear,nose, tongue and skin with theirclinical aspects.8. Surface and radiological anatomya. Study of radio-imaging of limbs,abdomen, pelvis and vertebralcolumn with its clinical application.b. Surface anatomy of thoracic andabdominal viscera.PRACTICAL100 marksTeaching hours: 1801. Practical study of bones2. Practical study of organs3. Practical study of surface andradiological anatomy.Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus174. Shava vichhedana – detaileddissection of the whole body.5. Practical study of location ofmarma6. Demonstration of histologyslides (10 slides)Distribution of marks1. Spotting - 20 marks2. Dissected organs andhistology slides - 20 Marks3. Bones, joints, marma - 20Marks4. Surface & radiologicalanatomy - 10 Marks5. Practical records - 10 Marks6. Viva-Voce - 20 MarksTotal 100 MarksReference Books :-S. No.Name of BookAuthor1Brihat Shariram Vaidyaratna-P.S. Varrier2Abhinava Shariram-Acharya Damodar Sharma Gaur3Manava Sharir (Revised Edition)-Prof. Dinkar Govind Thatte4Manava Bhruna Vigyana -Prof. Dinkar Govind Thatte5Manava Anga Rekhankan Vikrian -Prof. Dinkar Govind Thatte6Sharir Rachana Vigyan (English)-Vaidya P.G. Athawale7Manual of Practical AnatomyCunnigham Practical Manual Vol-1,Vol-2, Vol-38Clinical Anatomy in Ayurveda -Prof. D.G. Thatte & Prof. SureshChandra9Sharir Rachna Vigyan (English)-Prof. D.G. Thatte10Ayurvedic Human Anatomy -Prof. Dr. Giridhar M. Kanthi11Regional Anatomy -B. D. Chaurasia12Rachana Sharir Vigyana -Dr. Mahendra Sing13elevant chapters of Brihtrayee andLaghuthrayee14Gray's Anatomy15Text Book of Human Anatomy-Inderbir Singh16Clinical Anatomy-Richard S Snell17Fundamentals of Human Anatomoy-Dr. Chakraborthy18Human Osteology -Poddar**********************Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus181.5 Maulik Siddhant avum AshtangHridaya(Basic Principles and AshtangHridaya- An ancient text ofAyurveda)Theory- One Paper– 100 marksTeaching Hours -120 hoursPart A 60 marksAshtang Hridaya SutrasthanaAdhyaya 1 to 15Part B 40 marks1. Ashtang Hridaya SutrasthanaAdhyaya 16 to 302. Description of Ashta Prakriti3. Shastra Lakshan (Tantra),Tantraguna, Tantradosha,Tachitalya, Arthasraya,KalpanaReference Books:1. Astang Hridaya : Hindicommentary by LalchandaVaidya2. Astang Hridaya : Hindicommentary by Vd. B.L. Gaur3. Astang Hridaya : Englishcommentary by Dr. T.Sreekumar4. Astang Hridaya : Englishcommentary by Dr. VishwavasuGaur5. Astang Hridaya : Sanskritcommentary by Hemadri6. Astang Hridaya : Sanskritcommentary by Arunadatta******************Central Council Of Indian Medicine| 1st Year Syllabus


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