Monday, 2 December 2013

Global Ayurveda Festival Kerala 2014 (GAF) which will be held at Kochi

We are glad to announce the Second
edition of Global Ayurveda Festival
Kerala 2014 (GAF) which will be held
at Kochi, the Queen of Arabian Sea
from 20 to 24 of February 2014. The
(GAF) is the bi-annual Ayurveda fest
organized by the Centre for
Innovation in Science & Social Action
(CISSA), jointly with the State of
Government and the Ayurveda
Fraternity of Kerala.
GAF 2012 was an event of high
impact in the history of
contemporary Ayurveda due to the
overwhelming response and support
it received from all stakeholders of
Ayurveda. Conference, Workshops,
Debates, Exhibition, Medical Camps,
Job Fair, Business Meet, Festivals....
the bouquet of GAF had all the
essential fragrant components
sufficient enough to be a breath of
fresh air to in an otherwise
unexciting scenario and served as a
catalyst to galvanize the Ayurvedic
sector to aspire, plan and achieve
greater heights. It was a fitting
tribute to the legacy of Ayurveda
that is both puraanam (ancient) and
yet punarnavam (contemporarily
updated). We thank all of you for
supporting GAF.
Through GAF ’14,we intend to raise
our bar in putting together a one of
its kind event that is relevant for all
the stakeholders of Ayurveda, viz.
Academicians, students, healthcare
professionals, researchers,
manufacturers, raw drug suppliers,
representatives of professional
bodies, NGOs, regulatory authorities
and civil society members from
across the world. This mega
interactive festival will sure be an
add-on privilege to the participants
in building up networking and
productive collaborations.
Let us come together once again
for GAF 2014.
Padma Bhushan Dr. P. K. Warrier
Dr. M.R.V.Nampoothiri
Working Chairman
Dr. G.G.Gangadharan
National Steering Committee
Dr. G. Vinod Kumar
Secretary General


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